
Spencelayh Hypnotherapy and Counselling

General safety information;

Emotionally there is always a risk of revisiting issues or talking about a subject which people may be passionate about. The National Hypnotherapy society can offer access to trained professionals as can the National Counsel for Hypnotherapy:

The National Council for Hypnotherapy can be contacted to find a professional that may be able to offer help and assistance: –

Hypno-Oncology practitioners website for more information about the society and practitioners:-

Call 999 for the emergency services on a landline

Call 112 for emergency services on a mobile. This operates exactly the same as 999 and directs you to exactly the same emergency call centre. The important thing about 112 is that it will work on a mobile phone anywhere in the world. Emergency call centres must provide a translations service.

111 is the NHS non-emergency number. 

Samaritans Call 116 123

The following services offer confidential support from trained volunteers. You can talk about anything that’s troubling you, no matter how difficult:

    Get in touch